For the avid birder, a visit to the Drakensberg promises tiny gems such as the brilliant-green flash of a malachite sunbird; the chatty cacophony of a flock of masked weavers; to a breathtaking glimpse of the rare black eagle, martial eagle, lammergeyer (bearded vulture) or lanner falcon revelling in its natural habitat. One might even have the pleasure of viewing a cape vulture soaring above.



Situated deep in the Central Drakensberg Valley, South Africa, is the Falcon Ridge Birds of Prey Centre, where one can enjoy spectacular mountain views. The centre is home to many rehabilitated birds of prey. It provides an amazing opportunity to see these magnificent sky warriors in action.

Daily shows include an informative talk and a memorable performance of avian acrobatics, as the resident birds of prey swoop down to seize tasty morsels of meat midair.These shows are thrilling and highlight the power, speed and intelligence of these birds. An insight into Falconry is included in the show and the public will learn how these birds of prey use their wings and sharp beaks and claws to their advantage.

Openning times:

Weekly 10:30AM–12:30PM

Closed Monday & Friday
